
Step Up for Yourself.

An attitude of responsibility is good. But have you ever felt like the people who were supposed to be responsible for YOU have let you down? They demand you do something but won’t help YOU get where you’re supposed to be. I’m with you. So stop thinking about them. Step up for YOU and YOURSELF…

What is good food?

Good food is free from poison. Pesticides, heavy metals, radiation, chemicals, artificial flavors, GMO, plastics, excessive plant estrogens. That’s it. Beyond that, the individual food and supplement choice depends on your history and what you plan for your future. Picture this. With every bite you take, you are forming and creating a new and better…

To the Stars

The absolute truth about nutrition that no one wants to tell you is that it is the key to the stars. When you take control of your consumption at a higher level than that of the average person, your performance becomes even greater – your ability to produce – your production increases in quality and…

Raise the Flag of Rebellion

The corporate medical industry and their media cronies have abdicated their position as the authority on health. Not only have they abandoned their position as the authority, they, in my mind, have ceased to be an authority in any way that can be trusted. Look instead to what you know in your own heart to…

Nutrition is the Gateway

The healing of your body and mind begins with what you eat, drink and breathe on a daily basis. The genetic instructions contained in food determine your ability to think, feel, experience life in different ways – and the associated programming of your brain and body’s cells. What you experience when you dial in your…

The Dopamine Crisis

Dopamine is growth. In no small part because dopamine is inherently required for the directive abilities of our brain, (planning, spacial perception, self-programming – more on this later) and engaging this directive ability leads to more dopamine, which leads to growth of the pre-frontal cortex area, which leads to more dopamine, and so on. This…

The Mission

Helping men guide the nutritional evolution of their mind, body, and soul.

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